Monday, February 21, 2011

Response to Sean

Sean brought up some good questions last week in his blog:
Should artists be censored? Should kids in school be taught to make sound decisions? Also could art be a dangerous tool?

Censoring art has always been a very touchy subject, and one that is forever being dealt with. It is hard to say that people are free and do and say whatever they want, and then put restrictions on that. It's easy to say that certain things can harm a child or really mess them up in their thought processes, but they will eventually learn to deal with these things. Because of this inevitability, I believe instead of censorship, children should be taught to deal with things and how to look at or listen to things critically. This will benefit them in the end, giving them better judgment on many things.

Sean also asked, though, if art could be a dangerous tool. He used the example of rap artists saying President Bush hated black people after Hurricane Katrina.

Art can most definitely be used as a dangerous tool, and not only in this country. It can be used to rally people against someone or give a group of people a negative opinion against someone or something. Art itself cannot make anyone do anything, but it can most certainly put the idea into someone's head.

Why do people do this, though? What is the satisfaction in making people feel this way? Or is it unintentional?

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