Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Response to Christine

In Christine's blog she talked about Taming of the Shrew and how the final product was different to everyone, depending on how they understood it. She then asked the question:
How well can we gauge the success of a work of art if it really exists in the mind?

This is an idea that goes along with Piper's ideas, and with this example, I finally get it. I get what Piper was trying to say, that no matter how any kind of art form is presented, everyone will see it differently, and the true art is in the mind of the creator. With Taming of the Shrew, the art was in the mind first of Shakespeare, and then in that of Mary, the director. Each director of any play, not just Shakespeare, has a different vision of how the play should go, just as each choreographer has a different idea of what I dance should look like for a particular song.

To answer Christine's question though, I guess only the success could be measured by if each individual person is happy with the final product. Obviously, each person will have a different opinion, and success will not really be able to be full measured, but it can be measured on the individual level. Also, if the artist who had the vision and created is happy with it, I believe that it would be a success, even if it does not gain overall success to the world.

However, is success even applicable to art, if it is so subjective?

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